Posted: August 28, 2011 in Cellular Phone Towers

On August 10, 2011 a group of parents brought a petition of over 400 signatures from town of

Bethlehem parents who are strongly opposed to the placement of a cell tower next to Eagle

Elementary and Bethlehem Central High Schools to Senator Breslin asking for legislation

to block the cell tower placement, and a fair public hearing process on the local and state levels that

will show that the local public review process that approved the cell tower placement was flawed

and that the placement of the cell tower near both schools will pose significant health risks to students.

Senator Breslin-a Democrat, and a resident  of the town of Bethlehem who represents Albany County

Due to an unexpected conflict, was unable to meet with town of Bethlehem parents and offered a representative to meet with the group in his place.

During the meeting, parents expressed their concern for the flawed public hearing process held by the Town Board in which three public hearings on the cell tower placement were scheduled on the same day that open houses were scheduled for both schools. Town of Bethlehem parents believe that they did not have a fair opportunity to attend the Town Board’s public hearings, and if they had attended, the measure would not have been approved by the board.

The petition of over 400 town of Bethlehem parents  in opposition to the placement of the cell tower near both schools, along with numerous articles, including a website created by the group

www. that includes  congressional coverage of debates on this issue which is being reviewed in several states, were given to Senator Breslin  for his review

and consideration. The group requested that Senator Breslin introduce legislation that will prohibit the placement of cell towers near schools, and to conduct a public hearing or forum for parents and experts to voice their opposition to cell tower placement near schools.

Senator Breslin is currently reviewing the materials presented by the group and is also looking at the issue statewide before making a decision on introducing legislation or conducting a statewide public forum to review the support and opposition to the placement of cell towers near schools in in New York State.

In the interim, parents of the Town of Bethlehem plan to meet with Senator Maziaz, Chair of the Senate Committee on Energy & Telecommunications (518) 455-2024, and Assemblyman Cahill,

Chair of the Assembly Committee on Energy (518) 455-4436 in efforts to stop the placement of the cell tower which has begun construction less than one month before the beginning of the 2011 school year.

We urge you to contact Senator Breslin’s office at (518) 455-2225 to voice your opposition to the cell tower placement next to Eagle Elementary and Bethlehem High Schools, and to ask that construction cease until there is a full review of local parental concerns and the local process that approved the cell tower placement.

  1. haim ben says:

    cell tower are known to cause c a n c e r !

    parents , say no !

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